Evangelism Observatory


1. Make a list of friends, family, associates, and your realm of influence of people that are not serving the Lord and share the Gospel with them.

2. Soul Winning mail-outs to your zip code, city, town, prisons, etc.

3. Knock on doors in your neighborhood, your church neighborhood, city, etc.

4. Soul Winning commercials on television, radio, Internet

5. Conduct outreaches: free food, concerts, carnivals, health fairs, children events such as; Easter egg hunts, petting zoo, etc.

6. Rent a booth at home shows, flea markets, and fairs to issue the Individual Survey and Poll to everyone who comes near your table.

7. Call everyone in the phone directory. Use the Phone Gospel Soul Winning Script.

8. Rent a venue to preach to groups of people.

9. Run Soul-Winning ads in newspapers, local publications.

10. Reach your local schools by asking if you can conduct a prayer during general assembly. Pray for the students’ safety and go straight into the Gospel Soul Winning Script. Also, to reach your local schools on career day, you can share what you do for a living and then go into the Gospel Soul Winning Script.

11. Identify what time the school bell rings to dismiss high schools---have teams at nearby locations to share the Gospel.

12. Wherever there are local rallies and / or parades, ask if you may have the microphone for a couple of minutes to pray a prayer of safety over everyone and then go into the Gospel Soul Winning Script. Identify special events by referring to the local newspapers.

13. College campuses. Get the campus map and identify the busiest locations. Where are the fraternity and sorority housing? Where do they meet? Identify nearest coffee shops. (The Gospel survey works well at colleges.)

14. Share the Gospel on a bus with the permission of the bus driver. Trains and subways can also be fruitful. When are their busiest times?

15. Share the Gospel in the local food shelters, homeless shelters, and weather aide shelters.

16. Share the Gospel in the local boys and girls clubs.

17. Offer prayer at birthday parties and celebrations and then go into the Gospel Soul Winning Script.

18. Create a Soul Winning Website. See www.claybe.com

19. Billboards on highways, busses, bus benches, posters, handbills advertising a Soul Winning Website

20. Banner ads advertising a Soul Winning Website

21. Evangelize local apartments, malls, movie theatres, and grocery stores, near the courthouses, down- town areas, parks, and beaches.

22. Mass distribute DVDs and / or CDs with a Gospel Soul Winning message. 23. Evangelize local nursing homes.

24. Evangelize hospitals and orphanages.

25. At mega events, such as football and basketball games, trust God for permission to have every- one in attendance complete the Individual Survey and Poll. With little league games, offer prayer by asking the coach for permission. Pray for everyone’s safety and then go into the Gospel Soul Winning Script.

26. T-shirts, caps, business cards, bumper stickers and / or magnets on your vehicles advertising the Soul Winning Website. For example: www.claybe.com what if you could live forever...

27. Start a web campaign emailing the Individual Survey and Poll and / or the link to the Soul Winning Website. 

28. Karaoke night at bars, events, and restaurants---sing a song, pray for everyone, and give an Altar Call.

29. Dramas with an ALTAR CALL given.

30. Evangelize weddings and funerals---say a prayer for everyone, share the Gospel, and give an altar call.